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Old 10-19-2020, 08:09 PM   #15
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Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 401
Oh hey I finally figured out this damn multi-quote thing.

Originally Posted by f'nsabiki View Post
I love your posts. I look at mine, and there's a doofus holding a bloody fish with a couple sentences. You elevate yours to a whole new cerebral level--coupled with the near work of art photography ( I don't know if you will ever top the lizard eating flies)
Hahahaha I can't imagine I'm more than a doofus with *a lot* of sentences Cheers! And yeah... I still go back and watch that lizard... that shit cracks me up.

Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr View Post
Beautiful photos and a nice Read, love the choice of words and vocabulary you bring to your posts.

Originally Posted by DanaPT View Post
Good post. Unfortunately I see a sea insect. I feel more for the mackeral I kill for the lobster I really want.

I do use every part of lobster, love the stock and do appreciate the vittles the bugs offer.
heh. yeah I have so little compunction chopping up some mac for strip bait on the boat... But yeah that stock is insane, the gelatinous quality it imparts... I made a bisque with shallots for some fresh Scallops just last night.

Originally Posted by SoCalEDC View Post
Good post Spencer. Great pics. I can sympathize with the feeling of remorse over killing that lobster. Taking life from any living creature is something that should have an effect on everyone, even if its "just" a lobster or fish.
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