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Old 10-12-2020, 05:24 PM   #6
donkey roper
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Originally Posted by Salty View Post
Great video! Makes me want to be there NOW! I always save any unused bait and find someone to give it to on the way back before crossing the reserve line. Question- what do you consider to be "tanked up" on bait? I know everyone uses bait differently and has different sized livewells, etc. and it would depend how long you plan to be on the water, but I never really know when enough bait is enough. Personally, I'm used to fishing from a friend's boat that easily holds 1.5-2 full scoops from the barge no problem and I've been getting out of the habit of going though it so quickly. At LJ, I've been averaging about 15-ish mixed Spanish and Greenbacks and haven't run out yet over about 8 hours on the water. Just curious at what point when catching bait do you say "Okay, that's enough."
15 is probably a good number, but it depends on the size of the baits too. Big greenback can use up a lot of oxygen and for them really big ones I'll do like 6. If its just Spanish in there you can easy do 20+ baits. They seem to chill out much more in the tank and use much less dissolved O2.
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