Thread: VHF Tips
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Old 09-05-2020, 08:28 AM   #3
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Did you buy the radio new or used? When I have gotten real bored a read a few pages from my manual. I currently have 3 radios. A couple of Icom's and a Standard Horizon 870. Don't quote me on this but I believe there are certain channels that you are not supposed to use at all. I think they are designated as commercial.
As far setting squelch : adjust squelch till you here static or zero setting. Then bump it up slowly till you have no static. This will allow you the maximum range and weed out weaker / garbled transmissions. If you bought the radio used, go to manufacturer website and download the manual. I would highly recommend trying to learn your radio features.
Generally a hand held radio could be 3-6 watts max which could have a range of 3-6 miles over the water. The Coast Guard on the other hand may have a 25-30 watt radio with antenna placed in the optimal position. This could translate to 60 NM or more. In an emergency situation the user pretty much only needs to worry about transmitting. Emergency responders will receive you. Hope this answered some of your questions. Im going back to the other thread.
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