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Old 08-16-2020, 05:46 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 809
LJ 8/16 -- Extending the skunk streak

Skunk streak staying strong for me!

Weird conditions today. I was on the water super early, well before greylight, because my kid woke me up way before my 4:00 alarm. Superb calm at zero dark thirty today. No wind. No waves. No birds. No light. It was really cool being out there with it that calm.

Wind and current came up later on in a major way. 67-68 degrees on the surface of the water. Current just ripping uphill. So much garbage in the water it became impossible to go on the troll through some areas in the later morning.

Managed to make some dinky spanish over the kelp, and I didn't get any green mackerel. I think I metered some green mackerel between 10-30' below the surface out in the 100-120' zone, but it was isolated solo fish running wild, no big schools. Anybody make green mackerel out in deeper water to confirm that?

I also kept seeing circular bait cloud marks that were about 40'+ in diameter. Medium returns on the sonar, so I don't think it was any kind of mackerel, and nothing would eat the jig. I'm thinking maybe tuna crabs, but I'm not sure.

Anyways, no yt for me today; but if anybody goes out fishing tomorrow maybe this is useful information.
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