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Old 08-08-2020, 05:45 PM   #6
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I am not familiar with the hook

but have used a gen 1, elite, gen 2, carbon, and live. I am not sure if you can manually set your depth, but double check that you are set in auto depth. If it is set at a manual depth and you go beyond the set parameter, you will experience a similar symptom. Hope this helps. If you are uncertain about your settings, than resetting them will bring you back to factory. Hope this helps. By the way, the sand probably comes down the from the top of the kayak through the scupper drain. Rolling in the surf is a sure way of achieving this and also taking heavy waves over the bow during launching. Sticking a garden hose in the scupper hole drain could help flushing the sand out. But usually the sand has hardened or cured to the back of the plate an will not be easily removed without some applied pressure from something like a brush.

Last edited by TJones; 08-08-2020 at 05:54 PM.
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