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Old 06-30-2020, 08:09 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 310
Excellent again! It's really important to emphasize as you have that most "japanese" restaurants in the US do not have access to the quality of seafood that Californians with access to the coast have. Especially important is the point of using salty water to prevent excess bacterial presence when rinsing/processing your catch.

I don't think either of those points can be emphasized enough, so great job for including them.

Also. It's good that you disclaimerize free diving, as it's so different from scuba, and quite the dangerous hobby. I worry for anyone who takes it up, as it's so common for someone to be here one day and gone the next.

I also hated uni for a long time for similar reasons, but the moment I tried well-cared-for uni, I changed my tune. If enough locals start hunting them I expect to see the rebound of the kelp beds.

As usual, keep up the good work.
Originally Posted by Matt
To those that share thank you, to those that don't fine by me, to those that whine about people not posting but have no fish reports of their own to share..............GO FISH!!!!!!
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