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Old 06-29-2020, 07:35 PM   #3
Hunters Pa
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Originally Posted by domtesta27 View Post
PREACH!!!!!!!!! As someone who has to deal with the public and with customer service this is spot on. I will also say that you catch far more flies with honey than vinegar, and when someone who is calm, collected, and polite needs help I will bend over backwards to do everything I can do to get a resolution. When you take the "vinegar" approach, I'm more than likely gonna drag my feet a little, and probably feed you a very corporate friendly line about our service level agreement, give you the max estimate on time, and then send ya on your merry way!

Catching more flies with honey than with vinegar also goes for the companies trying to catch more customers. When the customer has paid in full and not received what is promised, given the run-around and had to spend too much time on the phone with a dozen people, AND had to burn vacation days for deliveries that don't happen when promised, AND customer has stayed civil the entire time then the company is flinging a lot more vinegar than honey. This was my experience with Traeger.

Sounds like Harry Hill tried to get resolution and was served up a plate of vinegar.
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