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Old 06-29-2020, 04:00 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by monstahfish View Post
Just some context here to consider, and I definitely have no stake in old town. At my company, during the shutdown we lost half our customer service staff and they didn't come back. On top of this, we also lost a bunch of people in production some of whom were very experienced and we can't make product fast enough because everyone is buying outdoor products like crazy right now. Now they are overwhelmed and everyone in the engineering team is having to step in and help with customer service calls and none of us have been authorized to do any replacements or anything like that, we have to send instructions back to the overworked customer service staff.
Point being, things are hard for everyone right now and we've gotten way too used to things being easy. With cases spiking again, expect things to get worse before they get better.

PREACH!!!!!!!!! As someone who has to deal with the public and with customer service this is spot on. I will also say that you catch far more flies with honey than vinegar, and when someone who is calm, collected, and polite needs help I will bend over backwards to do everything I can do to get a resolution. When you take the "vinegar" approach, I'm more than likely gonna drag my feet a little, and probably feed you a very corporate friendly line about our service level agreement, give you the max estimate on time, and then send ya on your merry way!
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