Thread: Running 2 lines
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Old 06-15-2020, 09:28 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by FullFlavorPike View Post
I've gotten bit on the dropper loop with a flyline also running out the back before, and the thing that wigged me out was having the fish spin me in circles, which wrapped the flyline around my spare rods and stuff. I was thinking about what would happen if something picked up the flylined bait and started spooling spectra out at warp speed when that spectra is all tangled in my stuff. I didn't love the thought.

My guess is this is a problem hobies don't have, since you can probably prevent that circling pretty easily with a few pedal strokes and clever rudder placement; but I have yet to figure out a method of controling the boat with the paddle and winding on a running fish at the same time.
Two things.
Using a drift chute helps because it prevents the fish from pulling you around easily, it really puts the pressure on them, which can cause hooks to pull and straighten more easily, so verify your drag settings and tackle if you go this route. You don't need to be drifting for this to be relevant, if you're trolling and you get bit, throw the setup chute in the ocean and it will self-set.

The other thing is a rudder. As long as the kayak is in motion, the rudder is affecting the travel direction, so having a rudder can help steer the kayak to correct for line placement, but it isn't the best solution, as it requires some micromanaging. When combined with pedals or a passive motion (trolling motor) it becomes more effective when caught in the heat of the moment.

Nothing prepares you for the moment of truth like mental prep. A little meditation on the moment most stressful will prepare you to deal with the situation more than any other method. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
Originally Posted by Matt
To those that share thank you, to those that don't fine by me, to those that whine about people not posting but have no fish reports of their own to share..............GO FISH!!!!!!
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