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Old 06-10-2020, 06:56 PM   #9
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Join Date: Feb 2016
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I ate a ~180lb thresher one time because I thought it wasn't going to make it if I tried the release. In hindsight, I bet it would have been fine. Sharks don't die easy. I'll never try to eat and give away that much shark again. I still haven't gotten back a taste for thresher (or swordfish, or mako, which taste damn near the same) after eating nothing but grilled thresher tacos and thresher en escabeche for a week longer than I care to.

They're awesome to hook up on though. I bet you had fun! The aerial shenanigans are a hoot. I am not surprised by the foul hook. Lots of them get landed that way, as the tend to chew you off otherwise when you hook them on your 30-40# YT rig.
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