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Old 01-25-2006, 11:08 AM   #9
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: NC SD
Posts: 58
Originally Posted by bigderel
Does it say that on the kiosk (the part about going back to get a day pass at the campground)? I'll bet you could fight it if they aren't clear about the permit (?)

Hey Mars, are you the same Kevin from the insurance courses? If so this is Andy...I accidentally erased your email about fishing, and I can't find your contact info.
Yeah, same guy. How’s it going? We're thinking of hitting the bay on Saturday if you're interested (shoot me a PM). Thinking of launching in Coronado.

I don't think the kiosks at Cardiff say anything about going to the campgrounds to get a pass, but I could be wrong. I just know from experience that they expect you to do that. And since I've had the annual pass for the last couple of years, I don't pay much attention to any signs on the kiosks. You're right though, if it's not posted, you'd have a pretty good argument for not paying
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