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Old 05-31-2020, 06:19 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 428
Thresher Shark in DP 5/31

Started out a bit earlier today with a buddy. On the water at about 7:15. Got a scoop of bait at the barge and was planning to go to the drop off. On the way out, about a mile or so, I hear my buddy behind me hooting and hollering. I look around in time to see the shark launching out of the water. Circled back to watch the fight and help if he needed it(and of course get pics and videos....). Spun him in circles and dragged him all over the place for at least 45 minutes before he got it to the side of the kayak. Was awesome watching it launch from the water over and over and make powerful runs. Best part is, yesterday he finally broke down and bought a Penn FathomII 25 2-Speed and a Phenix rod that he had been looking at. This thresher was the first thing he hooked up to with it! Couldn't get a good measurement because he intended to release it and didn't want to use the gaff or tail rope. I'd guess at least 6-7' since it was easily more than half the length of his 13' Ocean Kayak Prowler with that tail. Speaking of, that tail is no joke! Just getting close enough to get it off the line was sketchy as hell. He only took a little slap to the knee though lol. Hope you enjoy the pics!
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Last edited by Salty; 05-31-2020 at 06:43 PM.
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