Thread: LJ 5/25
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Old 05-27-2020, 01:00 PM   #20
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Huntington Beach, CA
Posts: 428
I'm new to the kayak world, but not to fishing. While I greatly appreciate the advice and reports I find here, I get why some don't want to put all the details out there. It took me and my buddy years of trips back and forth to San Clemente Island, tons of trial and error and literally thousands of dollars in fuel and gear before we landed our first BFT over 300#. But so much more satisfaction comes from knowing you were successful because you did your own research, monitored weather/ocean conditions, picked the spot, rigged your own gear and got the right bait out in exactly the right location and landed the fish you were after. Can't beat that feeling.
That said, I give plenty of detail in reports I've written so far because, well, usually by the time a report gets written, it's already too late. The bite is off. Conditions have changed. Whatever. But I also appreciate the reports those of you write so I feel it's the least I can do to give back when I can. Also, most of my reports are from local bass, so I'm not necessarily offering any groundbreaking news. Spoiler alert: Calico bit on sardines!
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