Thread: Dana Point 5/16
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Old 05-19-2020, 07:48 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Salty View Post
I wouldn't say that! 90% of it is just being in the right spot. I cruised around with my buddy for a while until we marked fish then dropped on them. When I drifted off that spot: nothing. So I'd go back and there they were again! I only went to that exact spot because the day before I was out on a friend's boat and we anchored up right there and caught bass for 3 hours straight. Easily caught 50 each. Every sardine was a hookup within seconds, live, dead, chewed up, whatever. Frozen squid got demolished. My buddy reused a single squid to get 5 calico. It was crazy! Tons of fun. Again, didn't keep a single one even if they were big enough. Basically we just just handed out free meals to bass all day. All that to say I don't know how much skill was involved, we were just in the right place at the right time out of luck mostly lol
Now I'd love to have a day like that with YT instead of calico!! Might keep a couple of THOSE!
When you caught those many fish with the squid were you just using squid on a hook or plastics with a strip of squid?
David P

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