Thread: Ghost Fever...
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Old 05-17-2020, 08:12 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Fiskadoro View Post
.....Anyone can pull up to a wide open bite and catch fish, the trick is getting them to bite when they are not wide open. When they are around, whether they are being stupid or not.

Someone gave me a hard time about posting a reference to Josh's fish on another smaller Kayak website, saying that the report would put a hundred boats on "the bite" and they would cut off all the kayakers fish.

My thought was: "How Naive!!!"

First off if a hundred boats showed up they would not stay long as they could never get bit in the current conditions. Second the kayakers fishing around the boats would be fishing the wrong area, and never get bit as well.

Ultimately fishing is a game, a thinking process. Those who don't think may get some fish at times doing what they have always done, or what everyone else does. Those that take the time to read the situation, and figure out what's really going on can catch fish when others can not......
Funny seeing this post a decade later.

I've met a handful of fishermen like Josh in my lifetime. Incredibly talented, but also generous. I remember those trips like yesterday. Josh had the fish patterns so down he'd position himself in the kelp right where they would cruise through, right on the surface, where you could see them. Sight fishing he called it. He'd rig his asian market squid in such a way he could make it swim as if it was still alive, then patiently sit until he could stick it right in front of it's nose at just the right moment.

He showed me it all, and I soaked it up like a sponge, but he could still outfish me doing it every time.

Above I talk about some peoples naive arguments against Josh and against helping others, but in the end I was naive thinking you could have an open dialogue about such things.

This post was kind of the beginning of the end for me, in that it started a fight that never ended and eventually so poisoned the well that it was no longer fun. I fish other places now where I don't have to deal with awkward on the water confrontations, or people vandalizing my truck at the launch, but I do miss Josh, and those late nights on the cold water.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 05-22-2020 at 10:14 PM.
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