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Old 04-29-2020, 02:12 PM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 13
Went out yesterday as well. Just kayaking though no fishing since I wanted to keep it simple the first day out in a while, and the red tide being out.

Launched about 6pm and beach wasnt too bad out. Got a decent sunset in a couple miles off shore. After the sun went down Bioluminescence was awesome. Great time just paddling around playing in it and watching fish and sea lions swim around in it.

Landed about 9:30. Launch was a mess with people hanging out watching the waves. 3 cars side by side using the entrance to launch as a parking lot didnt help as well but was able to squeeze through to pack up. So might not be the best if you are trying to avoid people.

Water was nice and calm out with no wind after dark.

Stay safe all.
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