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Old 03-18-2020, 07:45 PM   #1
Saba Slayer
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360 virgin trip...

Found a weather window and jumped on it...the freezer was getting low and the markets are so darn crazy, I decided to get my own food...
I had my new 14' Pro Angler 360 out for the first time on the salt water after getting her beat-up as the demo boat at the Long Beach Show...
I didn't think I needed the 360 but it sure works great...that 360 Mirage Drive was pretty cool once I found the fish and then wanted to get back over the spot after a bite and landing the fish...just crank those fins and spin around to re-set or to get the right angle for the approach on the next drop...
Yea...Yea...Yea...I know the new Pro Angler is expensive...
I'm just lucky to be on the Hobie Fishing Team and to get to work with the new gear...
Hopefully the technology will trickle down to the other Hobie kayaks and eventually become less expensive, cuz it's an amazing way to's like having bow thrusters on the kayak...LOL
As some of you know, I'm a big fan of the Bixpy motors... (I have terrible arthritis)...the combo of the 360 Drive with the Bixpy Jet mounted on the back running at half speed is a great way to get that assist from the motor to keep up a good pace and still have the battery last all day.
When the motor is mounted on the back of a PA the turning radius is terrible...but with the 360 Drive you can just whip right around a sharp turn on the dime and re-set on the bite...
The fish were really deep (about 380') today, but once I found the school, they really bit the AHI Squirt rig well with some added squid strips and 8 ounces of lead...the Diawa Tanacom electric reel made prospecting those deeper waters a simple affair.
I love it when you can turn a few ounces of calamari into 20 pounds of fish...
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Jim / Saba Slayer

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