Thread: Yak mako
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Old 02-07-2020, 04:43 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by lowprofile View Post
300lb mako. I’m picking up the tarpon 16 that was for sale on the board. Should do well.

I hate to be that guy but..... I've fished sharks all my life. caught them local to around 400lbs, and leader-ed a lot of Makos, and I would not do it. Larger Mako's over 200lbs are much more aggressive than the smaller ones especially big males. A 300lb Male Mako would likely attack your yak, and it could easily rip a hole in it the size of a basketball before you could even react to it.

Larger Makos like to hunt full grown swordfish, and often kill swords that are twice their size on the surface. I have seen this first hand. What they like to do is attack sword while it's basking on top, and they come up from below grab the caudal peduncle and just rip the swords tail completely off. They then wait till they bleed out and feed on them.

Fred Archer and I once shot the shit about the aggressiveness of the big makos and his take is they fear nothing, because nothing, not even killer whales can kill them. He knew a guy that was killed when a big mako jumped into his boat, and bit into his leg so deep it severed his femoral artery.

I mean I get it, it's exciting to think about landing something that big on a yak, but I would not recommend trying it with larger makos.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 02-07-2020 at 09:12 AM.
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