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Old 02-04-2020, 04:39 PM   #2
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Lots of good comments here. The most important one is that every aspect of each type you consider is going to have tradeoffs. Some are very obvious, and others very subtle. If drifting a few hundred yards is a big concern of yours, you may well want a pedal kayak (like others have mentioned for fishing rockfish spots). Make lists of the advantages and disadvantages of both that matter to you. Hint: prioritize by eliminating the things you can't live with first (take the stress out).

For me personally, I would not give up a couple of things that my particular kayak line provides me. First would be storage. You would be hard pressed to find someone that carries more crap (below deck) with them than me. Even then, I can still add multiple of any fish I might want to store inside. Second would be surf launching, landing and riding. I can't tell you the last time I timed a launch or landing. If you have not tried surfing your kayak yet, you owe it to yourself to do so before you decide. Your best new expression will be "Did that just happen?".

And contrary to popular opinion, you can eat and drink while underway on a paddle kayak. You just can't have grip-lock on your sandwich or drink. A missed paddle stroke or 2 will not stop you, or make you U-turn. Just like reaching for rudder control will not stop a pedal kayaker from eventually finishing their knot.
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