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Old 02-04-2020, 02:32 PM   #11
FISH11's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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I have both and fish both. The thing is, there's things I like about both. But NO KAYAK is perfect. Each has it's strong points. The reality is I find myself bitching and cursing more my Hobie Revo 13 than I ever do while using my Malibu X Factor. The fricking rudder won't keep the kayak tracking straight even with the sailing rudder without making constant corrections. Also at least a couple times per trip my braid will get caught on the rudder when drifting a mac. The mirage drive picks up eel grass and loose kelp, requiring removal of the drive to clear up. Can't really cut across heavy kelp when it's on the surface. It is slow turning and a wide turn without having forward speed. On my Malibu I can forward paddle one side and backwards on the other and make virtually turn on a dime. Keeping position with a current is not as easy as it sound on the Hobie because of wind and chop. It goes without saying the Hobie sucks trying to surf it in. When the surf is going to be higher or it's choppier I will alway take my Malibu X Factor. I use the Malibu to work out my upper body and the Hobie to work the legs except it's really not working all the leg muscle mostly the leg calfs and quads. The speed it about the same, very slight difference. The Hobies advantage is you can keep it up for a longer time. The price is where there is a HUGE difference that really makes no sense. It's kind of like my Mac Book Pro vs my Windows 10 computer. Bottom line is what ever makes you happy, It's about going out a having a GOOD time even on the days when the fishing SUCKS.
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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