Thread: Mex 1 vs Mex 5
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Old 12-29-2019, 11:14 AM   #1
stevie951's Avatar
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From Mako Bob this afternoon on his MakoVille Facebook page:

"Yesterday afternoon 28th of December 2018. We left La Poma, 8miles north of Gonzaga Bay to pick up friends in Chapala. It had been 5 months sincew I hAd been on that road from the 5 to the 1. WOW we left camp at 3 pm, drove to Chapala and picked up sopme family members. Wes spent 30 minutes talking in Chapala then hearde back to La Poma. We arrived in camp at 5pm. Yes a two hour round trip with a 1/2 hour rest stop. That is a 140kn round trip. So we averaged 70kn/hr. There is one two and a half minute stretch of dirt left and it smooth. The biggest thing we noticed was that when we got to Chapala and turned onto the 1 was that the 1 was very narrow compaired to the 5.
I am guessing hear but When the finish the bad spots on the 5 from San Felipe to Gonzaga, the stretch that Rosa helped tear up. The trip from San Felipe to the 1 at Chapala which is 200kn should be an easy drive, taking less then 2.5 horas. And on top of the great road condition it is a beautiful drive. Feb, March is the expected date finish date for the full San Felipe to Chapala section.
Towing a boat through San Felipe or big motorhome is a breeze RIGHT NOW and will only get better as we enter 2020. The trip to BOLA, Bay of Los Angles will be about 3 hours QUICKER from San Diego through Mexicali to BOLA. Making that tip a easy single day trip down or back. This should ba GREAT news for the SoCal fisherman.
For those of you that have been listening to rumors of the bad road, I do not believe them, yes there are some SMALL dirt workarounds but all are short and passable on a skate board. My friend just brought donw of those little cars that look like a roller skate. San Diego tho La poma 6.5 hours. The raods are the best I have seen them in the LAST 30 years. Safe travels amigos."

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