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Old 09-13-2019, 04:22 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by jacksonbigtuna View Post
Thanks for the report! I saw you guys out there, I was in the red hobie tandem island with the motor! Nice fish btw. Were you just fly-lining or deep dropping live mackerel? I was fly lining some mackerels but they may have been too big...(10 inch). I never got any bites other than the seals stealing my bait. I ended up fishing for rockfish and hooked and released a big shark. What VHF channel are kayakers on here? Sorry for all the questions, I just moved here from Santa Cruz. I'm used to fishing salmon!!!

I'll be out there again tomorrow. I need to catch a yellowtail!

Hi David, did see you out there and noticed the motor because I commented that you were able to move and cover a lot more water. Nice addition, that way you don't have to depend on the wind or direction and don't have to tack. We tried both flylining and added weight a couple times to try the lower water column. The Yellow was caught on the flyline. I caught a large Calico while on the bottom in 120' and a couple other bites that came off. I use ch68 on the VHF. No such thing as too big a mac. I love it when I catch greenback in the 10-12" range. Yesterday all I could get were Spanish in the 7-9" range. All the Yellows I have caught in the last 7+ year were caught about 50/50 on Spanish and Greenbacks. I prefer Greenback because of how they swim and how hardy they are. The Yellows don't care. Managed to keep the bait away from the seals this trip, but not last Thursday. I was talking to Bob (dsafety) who was fishing with me and he asked me if I was going to post about some of the strange bites we had. First we each had several short bites, hit line buzzes out for short run and when you check the bait the mac has some cuts and in bad shape. Those, I think are usually due to Bonitos (caught one yesterday on the sabiki) or Calicos that just did not commit enough to the bait. The others are, hit line peels fast but short run and the bait has no marks but is basically dead, those I believe are Yellows that take the bait and run but end up not swallowing it or the angler doesn't wait long enough for the Yellow to swallow it before engaging the reel. Yesterday there were a couple other strange bites. Bob had a couple that took off fast and pulled hard for a 1-2 minutes than came loose but bait was still on and no marks, Odd. It was not like seals who don't run that fast and after pulling hard for a short time take the bait right off your hook. I had one that was odd when using the 6oz torpedo weight attached to the line swivel between leader and braid. In 120' at the bottom FF had marks of plant/bait/struture and my bait get pulled hard, I bring it up cause I though it was a small rock fish and the bait is still alive but racked. So I quickly drop it down again and quickly something start pulling, like a fish is on. This time I wait 1-2 minutes and it pulling hard so i start reeling and it comes up slowly and hard to pull. It come up 10' after a while it 20' off the bottom. After about 4 minutes it is still pulling and I know it's not the current or kelp on the bottom. Suddenly as I'm pulling and reeling the line pops up and little pressure. I bring it up and the bait is still on the circle hook more racked than the first time, the weight is still on, but no fish. The way it felt, pulled and how hard it was to pull up I figure I had a large Hali. I was looking forward to landing it and all I can think is maybe he had swallowed the weight and was keeping mouth close and eventually opened it and the weight pulled out. I looked at the weight and the are scratch mark but none deep enough to tell. I guess the next time I'm going to drop down to the bottom I should also add a trailing trap hook. If any guy out there has any other idea of what it could have been or has had the same happen, we would appreciate your feedback. It's alway the fish that you couldn't see that bugs you.
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MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )

Last edited by FISH11; 09-13-2019 at 04:41 PM.
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