Thread: La Jolla 8-2
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Old 08-03-2019, 10:21 PM   #4
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Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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Smile LJ 8-2

I think I talked to you at the launch. There were some extra large sets mixed in the surf pattern for a wetter launch. Friday was certainly heavy overcast and did not clear up as early as on Monday but there were times when the water was nice and calm. Some bird action and bait was plenty in areas with some jumping but nothing caught on the fly lined mac or many jigs casts on the boils. Trolled those macs all day and never even lost one to the frickin furbags, even though I did have to wind one mac in a hurry, to keep it away from a sea lion. Enjoyed the day and pedaled the Revo over the usual places. Just for a little fun I did drop a laser minor jig for some various rock fish, but all were released unharmed after having their pictures taken. Drank some beers and overall it was a wonderful day on the water. When trying to get those nice yellows there's only one way to do it. Time spent on the water.
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