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Old 08-01-2019, 12:44 PM   #1
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Location: Culver City
Posts: 103
Malibu bass and a wet ass

Launched at Dan Blocker this morning at first light. Waves were at a funny angle and closely spaced with a few larger sneekers mixed in. Punched through the first one and it kinda turned me just as another came in right behind it. Rolled me over and dumped me out.

No witnesses. I'm sure it looked pretty cool.

Fortunately, everything was inside the hull except for my dry bag which was tied down. At least the water was warm.

Anyway, finally got out and tied on a Chasebaits squid with a brown and orange 3/4 oz. Warbaits jig.
Never changed lures. Fished the kelp up to the edge of the MLPA. Landed a dozen Calico and a few Sandies. All released. Nothing too big but still heaps of fun. Lots of dolphin's and bait around as well.

Swell started to pick up a little so I paddled in after a couple hours. Hung just outside the break zone looking for a little calm chance as a few big beach slammers rolled through. Freaky big wave rose up all of a sudden and broke right before it hit me. Managed to stay on as it hurled me towards the beach. Wet ass again but pride and gear intact.
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