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Old 07-26-2019, 07:38 AM   #17
Beer Me
Take two
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Camarillo, Ca
Posts: 66
Much appreciated all of the feedback.

I don’t post much, and I never give up and rarely complain. I was feeling deflated after all the energy and time I squeeze from my hectic life and needed to vent. I wasn’t looking for sympathy or even encouragement, just some tips and questions I could answer to help me get this going.

I don’t want to be constricted to this area and wouldn’t mind the drive south if necessary. The Central Coast Kayak Fishing forum is a little slow in action and only a few spots kind of close, while others are a little much for a day trip.

I do have a fish finder, Raymarine dragonfly w/out navionics and I’m still learning to use it. I’ve yet to plot and spots. We lack structure for the most part but have sand flats galore for the bottom dwellers.

I do speak with other kayakers when I’m out there and some are helpful and some are straight up secretive and come off as uptight. More negative if anything. I still say thanks and go on my merry way.

There are fish being caught in the area Ricardo aka fisheye is killing it constantly.

I have a friend I’ve made that sold me some tackle. He and I are going to tandem out with the sail up and head further out towards OR Gina and work our way to the islands.

There was a comment saying at least I’m out there fishing and able to come home sad. Thanks? Yes I can fish, after I take care of my kids, convince my wife to let me be gone all day, and convince myself not to work that day. I have severe depression, PTSD, and even though a day on the water is magic, it’s a mindfučk when I’m loading up the yak to head home and on the drive. I’m also aware it’s called fishing and not catching, but still.

I’m going to keep heading out as I mentioned. Looking to explore more launch sites. I’m going to concentrate on Malibu/Carrillo, etc. I pay attention to to the swell/surf reports and I’m comfortable with beach launches and landing. I need something where someone doesn’t need to help me lift my yak down rock embankments.

I’m not in a position to get a smaller yak at this time, I will just keep chugging on and continue to learn and have fun.

Thanks for the input and the offers and sorry for the late response.

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