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Old 07-23-2019, 08:50 PM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Long Beach, CA
Posts: 152
If you were outside the jetty it was probably a thresher shark. I saw one jump not 30 yards from the end of the middle jetty once. I later read about that area being a thresher nursery. A big bonito can pull pretty hard as well but in that area I would bet on a thresher.

I usually start in the mornings and fish until I run out of water. The parking is better and the wind picks up most afternoons. Doesn't take much wave to get you wet when you are sitting 6 inches off the water. If I think it is going to be a good day I bring extra water. I have raced the sunset a few times.

I usually fish on my off Friday's but it doesn't take much of an excuse to get me out on the water.

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