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Old 06-19-2019, 08:21 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by rvonkaenel View Post
Very nice post. I see you have pontoons on your kayak. I rolled my Hobie Compass the other day outside of Dana Point harbor. Lost a $300 Avet. After that experience I am thinking about the pontoons. Do you like them and do you feel they really make a difference? Thanks for any feed back.
Just get used to your platform. The outback is very hard to flip. I don't own a compass, but it is a hybrid of an outback and a PA. Nearly impossible to flip in favorable or normal conditions. Also, you really should have a leash on everything. Especially on something of high value, or when in unideal conditions (high swell and or high wind). When fishing in ideal or normal conditions, your go to rig in hand unleashed? Highly experienced guys, or Pro's don't leash anything. But they also have nearly a lifetime on water. Good luck. This obviously is a topic debatable on a separate post.
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