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Old 05-31-2019, 10:33 AM   #1
Saba Slayer
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Catching a Halibut and a Calcutta 400

Butt Persistence finally paid off yesterday...
After hooking two strong 20" fish in a small area, I really concentrated on working that spot hoping that those smaller guys were males near a big breeder...sure enough... she couldn't resist it and finally ate the Sardine, She swallowed the bait and was a nice runner then stubborn on the up and down...I was Lucky the front hook held as the rear treble had just broken off and I had replaced it with a fresh water treble...the only one that was small enough in the tackle kit. ...I was fishing 15# leader with a trap hook so I couldn't really horse her in.
Sometimes I'd rather be lucky than good...LOL...

There were so many sand fleas on her that I think she must have been half buried in the bottom.

She was 30' and a little chubby...the first fillets will be slit and filled with fresh basil then wrapped in Procutto ham and the cooked in olive oil for tonights dinner the Calcutta 400 story...

Last Saturday I was fishing the same area for Halibut and rigging a second rod when I snagged something with one of the rigs and it flipped right into the water before I could react...a brand new (well 6 months old is new to me LOL) Shimano Calcutta 400B...Needles to say I was BUMMED...I dragged the bottom for about an hour with weights and metal jigs for no avail...I tried again on Tuesday to snag the pole or line...again No Luck...
Finally after catching the big girl and while working the area, I snagged some spectra that looked like mine...with a snelled trap rig that I had I pulled on that line up came the rod and reel...
What a day...nice legal Butt and my rod and reel back on the kayak...
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Jim / Saba Slayer

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