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Old 05-30-2019, 04:39 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Here are a few basic mothership tips.

1) Keep it simple. Anything that is a creature comfort, you probably don't need.
2) Take only what you will use on the boat. Kayak cart can stay in the car.
3) Consolidate. Everything you bring needs to fit on the deck with everybody elses stuff. I try to keep it to a tackle bag, milk crate and bait tank.
4) Set up to get on and off the water quick. I put most of my loose stuff in my bait tank when getting on and off the water.
5) You don't need to be fully rigged before your kayak leaves the deck. Don't kill the crew lifting your rig.
6) You don't have to be fully rigged before leaving the swim step. Don't tie up the only launch site. Rods, gaffs, nets and bait can be handed to you over the rail after you have set up the rest of your gear.
7) Don't leave your waders or paddle jacket out overnight to dry. Anything that water can condense on will be wet in the morning.
8) If it doesn't float, leash it to something that does.
9) Like the others have said, mark your rods, gaff, bait tank and especially paddle for quick and easy ID.
10) It is very easy to go overboard on tackle. If you have not used something before, you are not likely to try it on the trip (unless fishing for a species you have not fished for before).
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