Thread: Baja question
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Old 01-19-2019, 07:28 AM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: santee ca.
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Originally Posted by rossman View Post
No negative response from me. I like this kind of advice. After living down here for 4 years and traveling down here for 20 plus years, frankly, if not one more gringo comes down here, I'm fine with it. I will say this, for every negative report you hear about in your so called "normal" media, I can give you 10 examples of undeserved and unprompted kindness and generosity afforded to me by the Mexican people, which won't ever make the news. I leave my house unlocked with the door usually wide open. My truck is unlocked with the keys in it always. My boat, with $3000 of gear and electronics is parked in the open in my yard, almost always. Try that in Southern Cal. I drive at night and some night, I will hit a cow. Just a question of when. If I do, the next car that comes along will offer assistance, unless it's a gringo, and they will do what it takes to get me on my way. Even feed me and put me up for the night. I have never been shaken down by the policia and by the way my Spanish is embarrassingly horrible. Come on down and enjoy Baja and I will almost guarantee you that your worst experience will be how you are treated by your fellow Americans crossing back into the States.
Rossman is the man to listen to. He lives the Baja life. As for taking a friend down, any friend. Don't take them to northern Baja this time of year. It can be miserable and cold. You don't want the first trip to be a bad one.
That's my .02 Good luck
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