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Old 12-26-2018, 10:37 PM   #5
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... Vito ...

I started kayak fishing in LJ in 2001. On one of my earliest outings I start chatting to a guy on the water and, after sharing names, we realized we knew each other from school-related work more than a decade earlier in Escondido. Ever since then, Vito and I would re-encounter each other on the water in LJ and recount both fishing and work-related incidents (Vito had the more interesting stories). While there's likely a former Escondido truant or two who might still have harsh feelings for Vito, the bottom line is his loss leaves a vacuum that is impossible to fill. He was, in short, a wonderfully animated, well-meaning and invariably gracious guy who knew what was what on the water and elsewhere. Those of us known or recognized as the so-called "old guard" were quite lucky to count Vito as part of our posse, and vice versa. I fear the day's passed when "Yo Vito!" would ring across the water. Those were fine times, fine times. RIP paison, RIP!
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