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Old 10-09-2018, 11:30 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by oceansdyaker View Post
What is the big groupthink on the big group trip that is going down on the 15th. The storm should be long past and it looks viable to go down and enjoy. I am leaning toward going and I'm getting my gear together for it. But, I don't really know what others are planning. Who is going? Who isn't? What groups can a person go with and back? A curious mind wants to know. So who is going down and for how long? Maybe we can start a thread going for this and start preparing for it.

Scroll through the threads and look for the “updated on the fly thread”

Complete list of who is going on what dates. A group of us are headed down Saturday the 20th through Saturday the 27th. You’re more than welcome to caravan with us. We try to roll out of San Diego by no later than 5am. Maybe earlier this year due to road conditions.
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