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Old 09-21-2018, 06:51 AM   #9
Aquaholix's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2017
Location: SD
Posts: 25
From all of us here at AQUAHOLIX, we are deeply saddened that this tragic incident ever occured. We all have been & will continue to pray for you, your family & of course your tremendously beloved son to find peace during these most painful times...

Tragedy doesn't have an alarm clock. There's no way to ever really prepare for these type of things. All we can do is be prudent in our daily life practices of expressing our love to whomever that may be. Tomorrow is never promised.

I personally pray to God to bless all of you with peace, love, protection & guidance...

Lastly, to Dave, you do not know me personally, nor did I know you brother. One thing I do know, is the same love for the Sea & fishing was definitely a shared addiction between us, as well as many others both near & far. And through that similar, shared passion we are all connected. You've touched many with your passionate acts & gestures of love & kindness. And even though I could be considered as a stranger to you & your family, you (Dave) & your family will forever be in my heart, my mind & my prayers... See ya on the other side brother, leave some fish for the rest of us! 🙏

Again, as many have previously stated, we are here for Dave's family in any way/capacity we are able to be. Please let us know how we may be able to help. If any kind if memorial paddle out or anything similar is being planned I would love to be a part of that...

& to those who were the first responders out there in LJ that day, good on you fellas for lookin out for eachother out there, it could have been any of us. Much love to yall & I pray as well that you all find some peace through all this... May God bless all of you.
"Addicted 2 Water"
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