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Old 09-18-2018, 05:16 AM   #9
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Posts: 22
So sorry

Originally Posted by Davesdad View Post
Hello,my name is John.I'm Dave's father.Unfortunately he's most likely not going to survive this tragedy.Right now we're waiting on one last test to determine brain death.All tests have already indicated he's no longer with us but for peace of mind we asked for one more test.We're not exactly sure what happened yet but we do know he may have had a heart defect that caused him to pass out.This was discovered while he was in ICU on life support.Dave has been fishing since he was old enough to hold a fishing pole,about 2 years old.He's always been one lucky (and very skilled) fisherman.Always able to adapt and catch something no matter where we were.From Carp to Tuna he caught it and always enjoyed it.I'm a very proud Dad and also very sad at this time.I'm here to tell those that helped how much i appreciate their efforts to save his life ! i just don't know how to say thank you enough,you guys did your best.I would also like to help out the guy that lost his rod and reel if i could.I thought i'd post this tonight just to get you guys some answers.I'm very tired and upset because of these last couple of days.I'll check in tomorrow some time if i'm able to.I have a very difficult decision to make at the hospital but will try and get back here.Thanks,John
Sir, I am so sorry about your son. I can't even imagine how hard this must be. It speaks volumes about your character and likely that of your son's that you would take the time to share this information and offer to help with other's material losses at a time like this.

If it at all helps, I am a pediatric ICU doctor and would be happy to answer any questions you may have about congenital heart disease, brain death or anything else as you have to make choices no father ever should. Feel free to send a PM or I can give you a call.
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