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Old 09-01-2018, 07:07 AM   #6
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Thank you for your inputs. Keep them coming please.

Before posting here I had made two "non-cancellable" hotel reservations. October 4th and 11th.

San Felipe is a rest stop on the way to see Rossman in Bahia Asuncion. Waaaaaaaaaaaay south.
same on the way back.

I have only seen the Calimax, the taco place and whatever was in route to Gonzaga Bay.
Some sightseeing is in order. Also some adult drinks and locally prepared food could be enjoyed to celebrate life.

Going south, then coming back north then going back south next day is little too much driving.
Plan is to see Luis on the way and show Cardshark (if he is riding with me) the Mako-ville on the way south.

Perhaps a trip to Puertecitos hot springs should be done on the 4th instead of fishing.
The tide seems good on the 11th, not too good on the 4th.

I also plan to stop at Bahia Santa Rosaliita, where I fished in 2012.

Thanks again for your advise.
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