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Old 08-28-2018, 12:36 PM   #1
Saba Slayer
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Silver Lake 8/20 to 27


The crawdads were pretty slow on the crawl for our first drop...I tried using only cat food without bait...and this is all we picked up with the first overnight soak...
Poor by our usual standards...
We eventually almost filled up two of those wire fish holders...

That "Lion's Fire" on the other side of Mammoth really mucked up the sky on a few afternoons...the morning would start like this...

...and end the day like this...

Reverse Creek has always been my "go-to" place when it's windy...and it didn't disappoint once again this year....I got limits of stocker size trout each time...and one big zing-pow that lasted about two second till the big one found a branch. I had to use a short little 4' rod in order to even make a cast in that jungle...I did a lot of bush and tree trimming...LOL...!

And we had a string of about 5 days were it was beautiful in the morning then blew like hell all afternoon and evening...

We added some yellowtail cut-offs and some trout heads and guts to the traps for the next two night soak...

Adding bait with the cat food and a two night soak was the ticket for some good numbers on the crawl...we each brought home about 100 crawfish for a couple of boils in our neighborhoods...and had a few really delicious meals...Louisiana boil and some Japanese Udon and leftover Crawdad in quesadillas for lunch.

Adventure in Camping had a 1/2 price sale on the rental of their trailers on Black Friday of last year so "I jumped on it like a bum on a pork chop"...
It was so nice to have a heater and a big bed for one of the two weeks we were up there...

I got lucky and scored on another nice fish on the Hookup Baits again...4.3 lbs
Caught at Grant Lake near the inlet at Rush Creek.

Then...I got really lucky on a very special fish...a 3.1lbs Brown biggest of that species yet...

On the Hookup Bait again...

Sunrise on Carson Peak...I shot a time lapse of the sunrise that came out pretty cool...

Rush Creek below Silver Lake is my other "go-to" place during the windy days...

...on the ride back home over-looking beautiful Long Valley....??????????????

This guy...well at least part of him...hung on for the whole ride home across the Mojave...

What a great trip...14 days in Heaven with 5.7 and 4.3 Rainbows and a PB Big Brown...all on the 1/32 oz black gold Hookup Baits.... with lots of stocker size trout released and a few kept for the Treager smoker and plenty of delicious big clean Crawdads...

I'm thinking about a late September trip...
Who's ready...?
Jim / Saba Slayer

Last edited by Saba Slayer; 08-28-2018 at 06:55 PM.
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