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Old 07-11-2018, 07:52 PM   #6
Saba Slayer
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That right can use your hand to hold the fish along with the colored velcro marker given out at the check-in on Saturday. You can't use a fish grip as it pushes the fish back and makes it harder to accurately measure the bass.
If you hold the fish on the trough with a fish grip and then put a wet towel over the fish while you get your phone/camera ready...then take the grip and towel off while holding down the bass and finally take a good clear photo of the whole fish...
CPR is kinda tricky at first but it's really good for the release of the fish and the health of the resource.
Pinching the tail is allowed and it can give you that winning 1/4"...!
It looks like Tom's photo was part of the Mity Might contest as he has the rod in the photo.
See you all Saturday...!
Jim / Saba Slayer

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