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Old 06-30-2018, 03:21 PM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Mission Viejo
Posts: 10
Outrigger guys perhaps

I wouldn't put it past the outrigger guys. I sometimes launch at Lower Castaways Park (Dover / SR-1) when I take my kid out and only fish the harbor. When they opened that park, they put a porta-potty at both ends of the park (one right near the launch). Last summer they "Newport Outrigger Club" moved all their boats and gear to the south end of the park next to the launch. They coned off their gear and put a padlock on the porta-potty. The first time it happened my buddy, a retired NBPD cop, called the Park Patrol and got him to cut the lock. Park Patrol said they club lost there space on the other side of the harbor near Southwind, so the city gave them the park space to park their crap. Couple of weeks later, lock was back on the porta-potty. Park Patrol was called and he said he was told not to cut the lock. M buddy pitched a pretty good bitch about it and ultimately the porta-potty was removed which left just one on the opposite side of the park; unlocked. My point, I think, is that some of these outrigger folks appear to have some juice with someone at the city (Park Patrol denied my request to store my RV next to the outriggers). It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they tried to pull shenanigans with a sign followed by demands to enforce it.
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