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Old 06-15-2018, 05:31 PM   #13
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I had a 2016 outback ( standard mirage Drive)

Originally Posted by Baja_Traveler View Post
Having just got back from fishing the mangroves, I realized that I really need a 180 drive, and as expensive as the Hobie 180 is, getting a bixpy instead makes a lot of sense. I'll have one of these before our October trip.
then the 180 came out in 2017 and I thought it was a gimmick. someone posted a price on recent post when a drive was lost at lj in surf. the price is insane, but the feature is pretty useful. well worth it, if you can afford it? especially in retrospect to how much we spend on this hobby. motor is cool, but I would think your better off with drive in the mangroves close quarter maneuvering.
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