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Old 05-10-2018, 08:10 AM   #16
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how tall are you?

Originally Posted by MaskedFisherDude View Post
Hello everybody,
New guy here and decided to join after not being able to find or get the answers I was looking for. I’ve used the search feature but still no help. I finally got the okay to get a kayak from the wifey, I have the pro anglers as the only boat I want to get. Still haven’t decided on the 12 or 14. This past weekend I went to demo a 14 and the first thing I thought was how awkward it felt to pedal. Has anyone else felt like this? Is this something you get used to after making adjustments to the seat and pedals? I was only in the boat for about a half hour and did move the drive closer to me but it just didn’t feel right. This is a deal breaker for me if it doesn’t get better. Anyone have input on this? Second, I’ve seen people say they have gotten deals on accessories when the buy a Kayak what kind of deal are we taking about? 10-20%? I’ll be looking to get a cart and a few other things that seem mandatory and possibly a bait tank. Any information would be appreciated since I know no one that owns a kayak.
Thanks, Andrew
play with the seat adjustments. most people who have tried or had both would prefer the 14 ft over the 12 ft ft. I will say the 12 ft handles the surf better than most people think. that was before they added the higher rails and you could reasonably paddle the kayak. I played around in Lj surf on 2-3' + day and was kinda surprised. yes, I got destroyed a few times. .
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