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Old 05-01-2018, 09:21 PM   #3
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Like a lot of people when I first got into kayaking I bought a folding five pound anchor, with a long rope. First time I hung it I wished I had not. Once you hang them on rocks you do not have the power with a yak to get an anchor loose.

What I came up with is this:

That is a Kencor all stainless imitation of a penn 3/0 that has a level wind.

They have a cork drag so are pretty useless for fishing but they are geared low and do not rust. It's a micro rod about a foot long I made for it with a roller tip and as you see it fits in a rod holder. I use an old Rock Cod handle with it for leverage. The grapple is maybe 20 ounces a tube filled with lead and the hooks are low carbon 1/8 stainless steel. It works just like the spider sinkers I used to make for surf fishing in Texas.

I.E. if you let out enough line the tines dig in and pull it deep enough it buries in the sand, so in sand you want to figure out your ideal yak position drop, the grapple well above it drift down past it letting out line, tighten up to bury the grapple then reel yourself up to where you want to be.

There a few benefits to this whole method. I can set the drag on the Kencor so it slips if I get hit by a big wave. When you have a big fish on that is running your line off, you can throw the reel into free spool with the clicker on and follow it. If it hangs you just put some load on it and let the kayak and eighty spectra straighten the tines to get the grapple back.

I can and have used it in kelp or around rocky areas, but I mostly use it for artificial reef fishing in SMB. Works perfect every time.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 05-02-2018 at 12:03 AM.
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