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Old 04-26-2018, 08:34 AM   #16
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Agree to disagree

Originally Posted by dos ballenas View Post
Disagree on both the 9 out of 10 comment, and the not being able to reach over the side comment.

But kayakers these days know everything and are way better than people that own power boats. So you're probably right
I’ve personally watched my buddy Grant spend an hour or so CPR’ing One left behind by a boater during the hot squid bite last year.

So yea 9 out of 10 is an exaggeration but I still feel kayakers typically complete the CPR more effectively by being able to put hands on these fish and guiding there head towards the bottom, while boaters struggle to reach them and refer to using gaff or whatever to try and push them back towards the bottom. But hey agree to disagree!

And no not all PVB are dicks!!
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