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Old 04-12-2018, 11:14 PM   #9
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 310
Nothing comes easy and as noted in the article, research data should be considered the primary goal, as it can improve any future effort.

In particular, the knowledge gained could benefit a similar project to revive stocks of more rare species including the closely related totuava.

I wonder if they have considered a project for our black seabass, as it seems to be at even greater risk than whites. On that note maybe promoting the use of fish descenders should be considered as beneficial to fish stocks.

Either way, I'm not in the country, so I won't be able to attend. Kudos to all of you who do.
Originally Posted by Matt
To those that share thank you, to those that don't fine by me, to those that whine about people not posting but have no fish reports of their own to share..............GO FISH!!!!!!
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