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Old 01-31-2018, 06:52 PM   #1
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Ice fishing in Utah. A travel log. Part four.

Part four:

Monday January 22th, 2018

1-Of course the day that I was leaving, the conditions could not be any better.

If I had not packed completely the night before, I might have stayed longer. However, they were very adamant about vacating by 11:00 AM, so I did not want to pack in the morning.

2-I have no idea what these round shapes are for. Kiddy fishing pools?

3-I was glad to see higher speed limits on certain sections of the highway.

4-Even in the remotes areas, the roads were free of potholes. I did not notice one.

5-Temperature in partial sun!

6-All alone for miles in remote area with no cell signal.

7-The road was carved through some interesting rock formations.

8-While most Arco stations in LA do not provide restrooms to save money.

I saw big bill boards and this sign to invite people in.

9-Gas prices at Costco in St. George, Utah.

10-Finally Los Vegas.

11-I stopped again at the Bass Pro Shops for some returns and played a bit to take a break from driving.
This aquarium was inside the casino next to entrance of the BPS.

This time the traffic was not so fast, but I was eventually home by 10:00 PM. Having stopped again at In-N-Out Burger in Barstow.

It was good to be home. I had missed my Bidet.

I will be going back to see my kin after his heart operation and before the ice melts at the end of February. This time it is Swiss Alps Inn in Heber City and Strawberry Bay Lodge at the reservoir.

I will also have more power----(insert Tim Allen grunt here) with the Eskimo brand power ice auger.


P.S. Now it is the time to take that Aspirin.
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