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Old 01-02-2018, 11:14 AM   #1
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Christmas Break in Makoville (Video)

My father and I dropped down the day after Christmas for some kayak fishing at Makoville in Gonzaga Bay. First time down. 2 1/2 days on the water.

This was my first time really trying out flat falls, tadys, butterflies, and mega baits. Lost count of the triggers and spots by the end of the first day.

Spent the second day chasing sierra boils, but rigged way too heavy for the microbait they were after... Seemed like people were hooking up on 1 1/2 oz castmasters... The smallest thing I had was around 6oz. Also heard of some other anglers doing really well with the Cabrillo.

Did finally hook up with one nice Sierra, and had one *really* solid bite at the end of the 2nd day that immediately broke off in the rocks.

Big thanks to everyone who showed us such a warm welcome and helped us get settled in. It's great that Bob is so generous and welcoming with such an amazing place. Beyond the fishing (which was great even for slow season), I was constantly picking my jaw up off the floor at the dawn and dusk skies. Truly a wonderful place. This won't be my last trip down.

As was mentioned in another post, my father and I left early and it timed well to help get Bob back across the border since his health wasn't looking too great. If anyone hears from him, please update. I tried calling a few times, but haven't been able to get through.

Bob- I'd like to wish you a speedy recovery and thank you for creating such an open and friendly community.
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