Thread: La Jolla 8/30
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Old 09-01-2008, 12:13 PM   #1
Hobie Fishing Team
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La Jolla 8/30

Hit up La Jolla on saturday, I got a late start and did not luanch until about 7:00 am. Got past the cans and the sportboats are parked right there just about on the cans. Bait was very tough to come by, only 3 pieces in 1 hour all Spainish, I guess it was tough for everybody I talked to. Set 1 bait out on a dropper loop and flylined another for about 2 hour for nada, but I did manage to lose both baits. I decided to fish the lettuce for calicos for an hour but no one was home there either. I think to myself this sucks and I'm going in. As I clear the kelp I see a pber land a small yeller and i've got one bait left, so I flylined him and about 100 yards off the kelp I hear ZZZZZ then nothing. I pick my rod up and turn off the clicker and 10 seconds later the line comes ripping off the reel, I know what this is. After about a 10 minute up and down fight this guy comes to gaff.

He went 19# on the digital scale. Not bad for giving up and going in. Thanks to the pber for the on the water pic.

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