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Old 12-05-2017, 06:17 AM   #4
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Yo, if I don't take Dramamine the night before and in the morning I'll be puking a half hour after I hit the mouth of the harbor. Another tip is look at the horizon, anytime you are not fighting a fish. And even then, keep your eyes up, until you have to land it. Even in calm water, the small adjustments your body is constantly making, and going from looking down, to up to down to up, will cause havoc on your equilibrium. I can usually hold it off until I decide to tie a new rig, then the 5 minutes spent looking at my lap while my body tries to stay balanced with no visual point of reference puts me over the edge. I used to get sea sick on long hikes, because I was looking down at the trail, up at the view, down at the trail and up at the hour into it, I'm throwing up. Anyway, buy a $5 tube of Dramamine and eat one before bed and before you leave the house. You'll be gold.
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