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Old 11-06-2017, 10:13 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Flounder View Post
Personally looking into Compass vs Outback. These are my opinions and its a work in progress finishing up my research before purchase.

Lets start here. Few dedicated fisherman leave their kayak fully stock neither will I. We will all tinker and improve till the day we die. I don't have to have everything but it does make time on the water more enjoyable.

Issues to compare:
Biggest issue...
Drive: I want the 180 mirage. Its a costly upgrade on Compass bringing it within a few hundo of the outback. For my style of fishing Reverse is a must. 2k price point broken by A LOT.

Storage: Keeping neat. Outback has much more thought put into layout. Compass is a blank slate. Again having to spend $$ to add things that the outback already has. Keeping neat is key to not catching a hook or loosing a fish of a lifetime.

Seat: Compass : Lumbar support was there but outback seat kills it vs compass style. Still comfortable just not the best. Point outback and to upgrade the seat more $$$.

Rudder: Both are very responsive. not enough water time with either. Compass rudder storage under the yak is advantage in my opinion, but I can see where it could be a disadvantage but I like things out of the way.

Hull: Compass was a little wetter ride hitting 1-2 foot boat chop at speed but cut nicely through them, outback rode a little higher and front rides up waves a little more vs cutting them leaving me a bit drier. Both were tested without gear.


Either can work but I am now leaning towards the Outback and probably going to go used since I hate financing toys. I initially was attracted to the Compass only to realize the savings would not be there for me after adding the extra upgrades to make it MY fishing machine.

Anyone want to add to this other advantages and disadvantages that really stand out? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the share! I have been having an almost identical conversation for a couple of months, and your conclusions are very similar to mine.

Having fished alongside an outback in my trident 13, I have definitely had times where I was barely keeping pace or not at all. My paddlers box is pretty shitty right now, but I’m definitely not concerned about the speed of an outback in Malibu surf.

When looking at price point, I definitely agree that for what I want in a compass, I would likely end up spending outback money to get it.

Based on what I’ve seen with an alert setup on craigslist, the good deals are there, but they go fast-usually about 4-7 days. I saw guy selling a practically new, with paddle, upgraded rudder and fins, 2016 model close to downtown for around 2K because he was getting ready to propose to his girlfriend. Almost jumped at it
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