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Old 10-25-2017, 05:59 AM   #4
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I look at it, partially from a scientific standpoint (I'm a curious analytical type) and partially from a comfort and safety standpoint. For me, there are two types of "fishing days"

1) Bay/Marina - If the surf is up, and the intervals are short, then its probably going to be safer to stay inside a protected area. If I make that call, then I'm looking at change of tide (water movement.) Still water to me is dead water. What I fish for, in the size I'm looking for, I almost never find in still water. Days like this I find more numbers, less quality fish.

2) Open water (outside a breakwall or surf launch) - This is when the swell is low, or the intervals are long. Wind is rarely an issue in this situation so I then feel "safe" to venture out to more open and unprotected water. I pay less attention to the tide in these situations and more to weather (any risk of adverse conditions) and water conditions (temp, clarity, depth, etc.) This is when I tend to catch higher quality, but less in quantity.

Disclaimer: I've only surf launched once, and that was with the help of an experienced hand. When I look at conditions now, its to see the wave/swell height, and to see the lag between sets. From my minimal understanding of "surf launching" for a newbie, I'm looking for low wind, low swell/wave height and longer intervals/sets. YMMV.....

- Kenny
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