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Old 10-09-2017, 02:56 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: BCS
Posts: 13
Mako! I've lived in BCS for 11 years. Started coming down when the road opened in 1974. The only thing you, or I, or anyone without the clout of big bucks, is just say no. Probably does nothing, but it makes me feel better. I never eat way to take it in the Sea of Cortez without screwing up other things. I never buy fish at the market. If you don't know how it got there it was probably over harvested with nets locally. I've seen huge bites of tuna wiped out overnight here by netters. There is no enforcement. Same thing with restaurants. If you didn't bring the fish to them then where did they get it? Lots of restaurants get fish from the sportfishing crews. The ones that shoot the pics of 15 hanging fish. When I see those I just shake my head and am ashamed I fish. "Oh, we kept them because the crews families eat them"
I know, I'm ranting. But what used to be isn't any more. Still better than most places but.....
Chicken is nice in restaurants
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